Group Coaching - Bed
1:1 intake call with Katie to review a typical day for your family, discuss your challenges, and share your goals
Weekly live video teaching sessions (7 total) which include trainings and opportunity for Katie to answer questions/provide practical solutions to challenges
Weekly individualized goals for your family, set by Katie
Weekly email status-updates sent to Katie to influence topics covered at teaching sessions
Positive parenting strategies
Opportunity to connect with small group of parents with similar challenges and mindset, the group experience offers positivity, support to a challenging situation that can often feel lonely, and a truly elevated and inspiring experience to improving sleep and helping you reach your goal of positive parenting
Options to customize how fast or slow you wish to make changes
Troubleshooting guides for sleep during illness, vacation, developmental leaps, and set backs
Refund Policy
Full refund available for services that are cancelled prior to use.