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Katie Ramirez
Aug 31, 20208 min read
How To Get Your Child to Eat When They Refuse: 9 Picky Eating Strategies
We have STRUGGLED with picky eating in our house over the past year. My 7-year-old, who has not always been a picky eater, decided last yea

Katie Ramirez
Aug 28, 20205 min read
4 Tips To Get Your Kid to Do Chores
A study recently published in January 2020 in the journal Child Development shows that when asking children for help with a challenging task

Katie Ramirez
Aug 28, 20203 min read
4 Steps to Determining Your Preschooler's Ideal Bedtime
You would think school-aged children are too old for bedtime meltdowns. It is easy for bedtimes to get pushed back over the summer... playi

Katie Ramirez
Aug 21, 20207 min read
4 Ways Screen Time Affects Your Toddler or Preschooler's Sleep
A scientific review of how screens affect your toddlers or preschoolers sleep, including when, where, and what your toddler watches.

Katie Ramirez
Feb 5, 20208 min read
How To Treat the Flu Naturally (and 2 natural options that don't work)
I am a nurse – and in my experience, many people who work in the medical field dismiss alternative forms of preventing and treating illnesse

Katie Ramirez
Apr 20, 20199 min read
9 Things You Need to Know About Cow Milk Protein Allergies
There is no doubt that moms and dads who have babies with cow milk protein allergy (CMPA) are super educated on this topic. When you have a

Katie Ramirez
Jan 28, 20194 min read
10 Diaper Rash Treatment Ingredients That Either Help, Complement, or Don't Work
A scientific review of diaper rash treatment ingredients including which work, which can complement other treatments, and which to avoid.

Katie Ramirez
Jan 28, 20194 min read
4 Ways to Prevent and Treat Diaper Rash
If we understand what causes diaper rashes, we can learn how to prevent them.
Too Much Moisture - The presence of urine can lead to over-hyd

Katie Ramirez
Nov 21, 20186 min read
5 Things To Know About Teething
As you all know, I am a research junkie. I use research to help guide my own parenting decisions (for my 3 and 5 year old) and all of the r

Katie Ramirez
Jun 6, 20187 min read
How to Potty Train in 3 Easy Steps
Alright moms and dads! Go ahead and do the jig. You are about to enter one of the most exciting segments of your parenting journey. The s

Katie Ramirez
Apr 23, 20185 min read
6 Expert Tips: Flying With A Baby
Long gone are your days of hopping on an airplane carrying a small backpack, putting your ear buds in, and enjoying your new book as you cru

Katie Ramirez
Feb 27, 20186 min read
Finding the ME in MothEr
Ya'll, it is hard being a mom.
Let me get something out of the way... becoming a mother is the best thing that has ever happened to me

Katie Ramirez
Nov 8, 20179 min read
How to Keep Your Toddler Happily Entertained on a Road Trip
Let me cut to the chase.
I do everything in my power to road trip while my kiddos are sleeping.
Check out Surviving a Road Trip With a

Katie Ramirez and Kristy Barnhill
Nov 3, 20175 min read
5 Tips From an Infant Room Teacher: Preparing for the First Week at Daycare
Taking care of a baby is hard work. No doubt about it.
Frequent feedings. Frequent naps. Figuring out how to get your baby to actually t

Katie Ramirez and Bryan Zopp
Sep 21, 20177 min read
9 Things Your Child's Dentist Wants You to Know
I have a major confession to make. I let my 2 year old brush her own teeth. Am I embarrassed by this? Yes. Do I know what to do about it

Katie Ramirez
Aug 28, 20177 min read
4 Creative Ways For Parents to Find Time To Exercise
Have you ever met a mom that didn't need a major boost of energy or a little stress reduction? What about a mama who desperately wants

Katie Ramirez and Lisa Pietropola
Aug 1, 20176 min read
Get Your Child to Go From Uninterested to Excited about Learning a Second Language
"I honestly did not expect the kind of positive response I received from this, but as a teacher of almost 13 years now, this has yielde

Katie Ramirez
Jun 5, 20174 min read
Looking for an Alternative to the Double Stroller...?
If you are anything like our family, just getting into the community pool requires multiple adults taking multiple trips to the car. No chi

Katie Ramirez
May 23, 20178 min read
9 Ways to Perfect Timing of a Road Trip With a Toddler
The thought of spending hours trapped in a car with a toddler (or in my case, two toddlers) calling my name like a broken record ("momm

Katie Ramirez and Colleen Sanders
May 3, 20174 min read
Is Your Spouse Frustrated With How You Are Parenting?
Regardless of how compatible a couple is, differences exist. In fact, your partner’s unique qualities are often even attractive to you. Du
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